Thursday, November 18, 2010

My Day Today

Well today I had the best of intentions regarding walking in the Spirit, so I would not fulfill the lust of the flesh.

What a battle.

I started well had a bit of a lapse in the middle of the day then tried to get back on track.

It truly is a daily crucifixion the only problem is I do not enjoy this process.

The conflict is is that I have experienced the joy of obedience and the pain of killing this flesh of mine.

I even know it gains me nothing to walk in the flesh but I delude myself to think otherwise, aren't we nuts sometimes?

To repeat the same behavior expecting a different result is often called neurotic.

I do do the same behaviour at times, am I really expecting a different result? Honestly I do hope for one at times, but.......

what I am really doing is going LaLaLaLa I can't hear you.

To Whom Do You Belong?

As a Christian woman I often forget that I do not own myself anymore.

I was bought at a price and belong to another.

I am a bond servant of Jesus.

Well to see the way I act at times who would know. 

 I am supposed to be the fragrance of Jesus yet I find myself to be more of a stench at times.

I stink when I forget that I am not my own.

walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” 

This lust is when I think I am my own and not His, this happens periodically it is often so subtle I don't always recognize it.

When I don't watch what I put in my body, when I don't watch what comes out of my mouth and more importantly when I am not guarding my heart to see that the issues that flow out of it are healthy and full of life.  When I don't keep check on my attitudes and behaviours.

Remember when we were in love and how that felt? How we could have walked on water and would have tried for the one we loved.  That our thoughts went to them most of the day.  How we would anticipate with great longing when we would see them next.  How every little things about them made us think we had just struck gold in the relationship department.

Yes, you know don't you?

This attitude of love is what we need to have towards our Saviour, the Lover of our Soul.

He loves us like this yet we very quickly forget Him and often compartmentalize our relationship with the God of all the earth.

If we belong to Him and I do, getting back to the place where I want to spread His fragrance throughout my world is necessity to the fulfillment of my life.

Let's remember To Whom We Belong